Looney Tunes: March 2001


This starry night a saucer has landed and an instant Martian (or Jupiterian) stands looming over a very scared Sylvester.

The K-9 Files



Marvin and K-9 land in the desert and place a "cobalt gravitron accelerator" at the exact spot where it will destroy the earth - if it is activated at the right time. While waiting for that time to approach, Marvin plans to nap with K-9 standing guard. The dogs awakens Marvin when he sees the giant shadow of a spider. Marvin points out that only the shadow was big. A couple hours later his sleep is again disturbed as another giant insect shadow has the dog worried.

Marvin, angry, threatens to leave K-9 behind when the device goes off. The fearful dog manages to get through almost all the remaining time without incident, but is worried when a shadow falls on him. Looking up and seeing silhouettes of several giant creatures, K-9 panics and drags Marvin into his rocket and takes off, causing Marvin to miss the time to start the accelerator. Back on earth, Bugs muses that he can have a lot of fun with second-hand parade balloons.

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Heading For Trouble



A mad scientist has a busy time planned when he hears a crash. His Frankenstein-style monster, Hugo, has just managed to break a lot of glassware. Then, when he's about to start working on hair transplantation, he hears some thumps and starts worrying. The scientist finds Hugo about to move a chemical vial. When told to put a full container down, Hugo drops it. The resulting explosion convinces the scientist that Hugo is need of a new brain.

Just as the scientist wonders where to find a replacement brain, the gangsters Rocky and Mugsy show up needing a place to hide from the police. The pair are welcomed in and are happy to be let, at least until Rocky finds out that his brain is sought after for surgical reasons. A distraction appears in the form of Bugs Bunny who is soliciting donations for the Receding Hare Lines Foundation. Bugs and the mad scientist misunderstand each other's use of the work hare and hair and agree to work together. The partnership dissolves when Bugs hears of the need for a replacement brain. Rocky's interest is peaked when he hears that money could be involved, and tries to sell Mugsy's brain.

The mad scientist wants the brain first and to deal with money later, and so a chase ensues. Bugs seem to sit out and relax a bit as the gangster discover the quirks the place. One quirk is a portrait that is more of an open window for someone to stand in. Another is a large swinging axe. Bugs aids in the gangster's capture by pulling the rug from under them, and soon the bodies of Rocky and Hugo have exchanged brains. After the operation, and the payoff, Bugs again pulls the rug out and this time send everyone one else and the money flying. The rabbit catches the money and walks off with it as hi collected donation.

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Cannon Fodder



Wile E. lights a cannon and crawls in. When the cannon fires, the blast mostly goes past the coyote, leaving him to fall just beyond the barrel. A cannonball also falls just beyond the barrel, right on Wile E.

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A Doctor In The Mouse



Elmer Fudd is reading the paper when he hears a crash. Claude Cat has been chasing the mice Hubie and Bertie and has managed to destroy Fudd's kitchen. Elmer doesn't let Claude blame the mess on the mice and warns the cat that if he breaks anything else he'll have to pay for it himself. The mice go on as usual and the cat chases them again, but the chase stops when a vase is broken. The mice assure Clause that vases are cheap, except for Ming vases, which that one was. Now Claude has to earn 1.4 million dollars.

Hubie and Bertie have at the cat again, tricking him into a supposedly well-paying job in medical research. Posing as doctors, the mice start with a painful test. Next Claude is tricked onto a rifle range, and then into getting a large electric shock. For all this the cat is paid in change. Trickery continues as the cat winds up in a dog pound, in the path of a train, and then atop a very tall building to see if cats always land on their feet.

On the top of the building it slips out that the mice are not doctors. Claude instantly catches on, and catches Hubie and Bertie. The cat sells the mice to a lab and somehow manages to get the needed 1.4 million dollars for them. Hubie and Bertie are now the ones being tested, or at least put to use.

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Storm Warning



Daffy claims it's going to storm. Bugs asks how he knows, not pointing out the dark sky. The duck explain he gets a warm tingling feeling before storms. Bugs discovers that Daffy gets hit by lightning.

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Last update 12 April 2004