Looney Tunes: April 1994


It's the Hip Fab Fun cover. The four stars, top to bottom, are occupied by Pepe LePew, Wile E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Sylvester and Junior together.

Earth looms large over a Martian landscape, the sky also filled with with stars and other planets. On the ground Marvin the Martian, exclaims "Halt, fur-mammal" while aiming a disintegrating pistol at Bugs Bunny who replies, "Geez, don't blow your orbit, Mars-man."

- The earth would not be seen that big in the Martian sky nor would it be full, but this may be forgiven as it sets up the first story well.




Maarla remarks that she would like an Earth creature stole to keep her warm as she is courted by Marvin in the gardens of Mars. Bugs Bunny, the noisy contents of a box, arouses Maarla's curiosity, but escapes the box by tunneling. Marvin chases after Bugs and shoots holes in the garden hedges and bushes missing the rabbit every time. Finally the Martian gives up and tosses his dematerializing pistol away.

A very large green bird, working security, points out the sign 'Penalty for Littering' and after refusing Marvin's payoff sets him to work trimming the garden's bushes. The bushes are to be trimmed to match the shape of the holes Marvin shot in them. After tweaking Marvin and crashing into a potted plant Bugs disguises himself a female Martian and beguiles Marvin.

Meanwhile Maarla runs into, and then runs from, the bird that thinks Maarla is a disguised Marvin. She stumbles on Marvin and the disguised Bugs, grabbing the bird's club and bashing Bugs, cracking his disguise. The bird flees in terror as Marvin tries to explain himself.

He only wanted to give her a rabbit stole. Bugs suggests maybe she wants something else. This prompts Marvin to unleash the contents of his ship revealing several angry Looney Tunes characters. Maarla is overwhelmed by the choices until Pepe Le Pew volunteers to keep her warm much to Marvin's dismay.

Did You Notice...

Technical Nits

The Shot Felt 'Round The World



Wile E. Coyote fires a small cannon at Road Runner. The cannon ball falls short as Road Runner outruns it. Wile E. tries again with a larger cannon and fails again. An even larger cannon is tried and the cannon ball follows the Road Runner over the horizon. Wile E. is surprised as the Road Runner comes up behind him. He's even more surprised when he's hit by cannon ball.

Did You Notice...

Technical Nits

Down-Under Mousers



Sylvester and Junior land in Australia to hunt giant mice, Sylvester having mistaken kangaroos for giant mice yet again. The cats travel from place to place until their transportation fails. Luckily (?) it fails in giant mouse country.

Sylvester attempts catching the 'mouse' with a boomerang, by riding an ostrich, and riding a giant pogo-stick. Sylvester and Junior don't balance out and the pogo stick tilts and sends them to Tasmania where they are chased by the Tasmanian Devil.

Did You Notice...

Technical Nits

Other items:

There are three one-page fillers.

Hanging With Bugs
There are two pictures with Daffy, Bugs, and Sylvester and ten differences between the pictures for the reader to find.
Speedy Gonzales Twins
There are five pictures of Speedy, can you find the two alike? Sure, it's easy to see the answers given.
The Last Laugh
Four three-panel cartoon strips. The Last Laugh is a standard feature of the last page for the early Looney Tunes issues.

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Last updated 9 March 1998