Looney Tunes: September 2001


Lola is delivering a pizza, a Tweety Pie, to Sylvester. It really is Tweety on top of the pizza and the bird has hit the cat several times with a Looneyville Slugger baseball bat. Lola quips to the reader, "We use only the freshest toppings!"

* The name of the bat comes from the real Louisville Slugger bat made by Hillerich & Bradsby.

Grandstand And Deliver!



It's the Delivery Girl of the Millennium Pageant and Lola Bunny is one of the four contestants. Lola is also rethinking her presence in the competition. A flashback reveals that her boss, Huactui, talked her into going by telling her there'd be movie directors and agents as well as available millionaires in the audience. He did not mention the pizza slice shaped outfit she'd be wearing until later. The other three contestants are Vinda Loo, Ylang-Ylang, and Fausta.

Rather than the original method of competing, fighting wild bears, the pageant starts with a talent competition. Vinda Loo shows off her skeet shooting skills, Ylang-Ylang carves an ice sculpture with a chainsaw, and Fausta juggles anvils. This worries Lola, but snide comments from Vinda Loo and Ylang-Ylang steels Lola's resolve. The rabbit shows off her unusual skill: Looking good in bad clothing. This goes over well most of the judges; the fashion critic isn't quite so impressed.

The next competition involved getting tips out of a cheapskate. Vinda Loo gets a gratuity with a gratuitous complement. Ylang-Ylang hypnotizes the cheapskate. Lola talks overly cute as she talks up her efforts, and Fausta takes a very direct approach that's more mugging than anything else.

After the tip extracting contest is the question of what would they deliver to everyone in the world if they could. Fausta doesn't quite seem to get the idea of the question and its only slightly hidden meaning. Vinda Loo's answer is better, but still amiss. Ylang-Ylang almost has the idea. Lola comes up with the more expected sort of answer of peace, love, and understanding for everyone. Everyone, that is, except the girl who swiped her lunch box in school. Lola goes on quite a rant about her.

The final competition is an obstacle course of flames, giant swinging axes, and alligators amongst other things. Again fun is made at Lola's expense before the race starts. While the other three take on the course more or less directly, Lola uses a motor scooter to bypass it or at least get through it quickly. For all her efforts Lola wins and is proclaimed the Delivery Girl of the Millennium. Her only prize is a lifetime of free delivery from the losers - a prize she enjoys as now she can make as miserable as they made her.

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Technical Nits

Puss in Books



While Sylvester rummages through alley garbage cans Sylvester Junior complains that it's embarrassing. The elder cat tries to pass off his foraging as hunting but Junior doesn't believe it. Just then Junior spots a mouse and Sylvester chases into a building. After quite a fight, Sylvester is ejected - by a very angry librarian. The librarian sees Sylvester Junior and treats him kindly.

Sylvester leads Junior into the library and past the librarian so he can get the mouse. Seeing the mouse on the top of the bookshelves, he stacks books into a column so he can climb up. A boast of Sylvester's leads to Junior pulling a book from the column, bring it and Sylvester crashing down. The mouse is next spotted by a microfilm viewer. In his haste, Sylvester ends up running himself through it.

Sylvester also digs into a copy machine, having seen the mouse duck into it. Junior thoughtfully unplugs the device to prevent problems, but is told to plug it back in by the well-meaning but unaware librarian. Even the copies of himself don't think much of Sylvester. When Sylvester tries to use a globe to crush the mouse, he winds up rolling with it and crashing into the librarian who had been helping Junior choose a book. While she chases after Sylvester, Junior notices the mouse has selected a book of survival tips.

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Punishin' Pete Puma



A couple men have Pete Puma tied to the roof of their vehicle. They had planned to tranquilize him, but he fainted first. Their fortune changes when they see Foghorn Leghorn in the road, obliviously pulling a rope. They end up crashing into a tree and sending Pete flying. The rooster has just managed to haul Dawg's house into the air, with Dawg asleep inside. As the Foghorn tricks the dog into stepping out, a suddenly awake Pete Puma lands on him. Dawg then falls onto both of them. Before Pete can make any sense of things, Dawg sends him flying again, this time out of the chicken coop.

After Foghorn drops his doghouse on him, Dawg is a bit more willing to talk to the puma who has come back to figure where he is. Rather than kick him out again, the dog points out Foghorn as something to chomp. When he tries munching on the big rooster, it doesn't work out as planned. Foghorn points out a smaller, more manageable chicken which Pete catches easily. Unfortunately for the puma the chicken is both mechanical and loaded with explosives.

Dawg gives Pete a butterfly net to use on Foghorn, but the rooster sees him coming and prepares for him. Putting a sheet to use, Foghorn scares Pete by claiming he's a ghost out to avenge the chickens the puma has eaten. Pete seems to almost see through the disguise, but for the wrong reason. A small effort on Foghorn's part causes Pate to faint. When he comes to, Foghorn is wearing a red outfit, a cap with horns, and is holding a pitchfork. The rooster starts to really scare Pete when first Dawg tries to interrupt, then he falls over from a tranquilizer dart. The men are back and chase after Pete, which Foghorn see as spoiling his fun. Dawg, however, gives the rooster a less than glowing review of his acting.

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Last updated 08 August 2004